Posted on April 03 2020
Hello, we are certainly in a historical moment. Nobody could have imagined anything like this Coronavirus outbreak only a little while ago. We’re all feeling the impact. But there is a way to lessen that impact and focus on the positive (we’re eternal optimists).
Here are 8 things to consider which might help you through these unique and trying times:
- It’s not social distancing, it’s spatial distancing. Don’t lose touch with your loved ones. We have amazing technology available that allows us to connect via voice and video as no other generation ever had. Use the technology to stay connected…at a safe distance.
- Focus on yourself. We hear it so often from friends, customers and family…’if only I had time, I’d finally take some time off, read that book, learn this new skill. Well, this is the time…online classes abound on thousands of topics, recipes that are just waiting to be made and
- Don’t forget about treating yourself kindly, take time for quality wellness, whether that is taking a good soak, or yoga, meditation, exercise, or all of the above…maintaining and enhancing one’s well being should be a priority.
- Try to limit screen-time as much as possible. It is so easy to get sucked into hours of browsing, watching TV and listening to updates. But that’s a potential cause for stress. Staying informed is one thing, listening to grim updates on an ongoing basis is another. Same with social media…we all have friends who only post doom and gloom comments, updates etc. This is not a healthy information diet.
- If you’re working from home, try little team exercises throughout the day. Lift the spirits of the team and use the time to connect on a personal basis. You could share your work at home environments, share what you hate about working from home and what you like best. You could do a GIF contest…where you raise a set of questions and people have a minute to respond with GIFs.
- Maintain a schedule. Sleep/wake cycle, meals, exercise, dog walking, connecting (through tech, not physical) with loved ones are all important activities and it is crucial to maintain them. This will help you maintain a sense of stability and normalcy during and unstable and abnormal time.
- Support a campaign. If you can afford it financially, donate to a campaign that’s meaningful to you. It’ll help you feel like you’re doing something about the situation by helping, because you actually will be.
- Of course we can’t go without recommending this: play with makeup. Try a look you always wanted. This is a great time to experiment and play. And if you share it online it might help you feel more connected.
Social distancing is tough. It disrupts daily life, movement and a sense of normalcy. But know that this too shall pass. Yes, this is an unprecedented situation, it might last for a while. But if history teaches us anything is that things eventually do go back to normal.